Nominations for the EPAC/EACN Awards

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to the 22nd EPAC/EACN Annual Professional Conference and General Assembly from 2 to 3 November 2023 in Dublin. At the conference, we will continue the tradition of granting the


for the most innovative and successful Anti-Corruption (AC) and/or Police Oversight (PO) project.

In this context, EPAC/EACN is once again looking for best practices identified in the framework of national and regional initiatives or activities. We therefore encourage you to take part in the competition by filling in the fields in the attached application form, outlining the general idea and goals of your project. We would also ask you to prepare a short presentation of about five minutes to be given during the 22nd EPAC/EACN Annual Conference and General Assembly in Dublin, Ireland.

The award is intended to recognise creative and outstanding achievements and ideas within the EPAC/EACN networks in the fields of anti-corruption and police oversight. It serves both to honour those who have made interesting contributions to the fight against corruption and to inspire others to undertake similar efforts.

Please note the selection criteria for the submission of best practices:

  • innovative,
  • creative,
  • in English,
  • related to the EPAC/EACN mission (focus on prevention of or fight against corruption, new methods in the area of police oversight, promotion of values such as integrity, compliance) and
  • completed / started in 2023.

We are convinced that your presentation and experience will provide added value in advancing our common mission and goals and will truly be of benefit to other members.

Kindly note that your PowerPoint presentation should be no longer than five minutes and contain no more than three substantial slides. The deadline for expressing your interest by sending an email with the completed application form to and is 20 October 2023 (cob).

Do not hesitate to contact us at one of the above mentioned addresses if you have any questions in the meantime.

The most innovative and valuable best practice will receive the 2023 EPAC/EACN Award on the basis of a plenary vote at the 22nd EPAC/EACN Annual Conference and General Assembly.

We look forward to learning more about your projects!