Practice exchange
The EPAC/EACN Task force for Developing and Implementing Project Activities (DIPA) applied for and signed an EU grant agreement for funding study visits for the best practice exchange in fighting corruption and fraud. The Special Investigation Service of the Republic of Lithuania (STT), on behalf of the EPAC/EACN Secretariat, is delighted to kick-start this initiative, providing you with an opportunity to visit other EPAC/EACN members, personally meet colleagues, learn from one another, and collaborate to prevent and combat corruption in Europe.
The registrations for the BACPE-project to enhance the transfer of knowledge and experience have officially begun in May 2023. The two-year project will be divided into two parts.
The project commenced with three key topics, for which exchange visits between EPAC/EACN members were organized and 20 different institutions have already participated:
- Whistleblower protection
- Asset recovery
- Corruption risk assessment and management
The application for the second round is starting on the 2nd of April, 2024, with three new topics:
- Anti-Corruption awareness raising
- Criminal investigation of corruption and fraud
- Big Data analysis
Eligibility of participation
Participation in the exchange is open to all EPAC/EACN members. However, to ensure the dissemination of best anti-corruption practices across borders and to foster broader international cooperation opportunities, only one institution from each country will be able to participate in the exchange under each of the above mentioned topics. Furthermore, the same institution will be limited to a maximum of two exchange visits in total.Due to the limited number of exchange visits available for EPAC/EACN members (only 48 visits in total, 8 exchange visits multiplied by 6 topics), applications will be accepted on the first-come, first-served basis, provided they meet the eligibility criteria mentioned below. Altogether, eight EPAC/EACN members will be invited to participate under each topic.
EPAC/EACN members who wish to embark on an exchange visit to another member institution are required to:
- Submit an application form based on the selected topic.
- Nominate three employees who have more than five years of experience in the selected topic.
- Indicate the host authority that they intend to visit.
- Provide a provisional visit agenda, that covers two full days of working meetings.
- Provide a free-format written consent from the chosen host authority confirming its ability and willingness to host the visit between April 2, 2024, and February 28, 2025.
The project will cover travelling and accommodation (two nights per visit) expenses of three nominated experts. The project team, in collaboration with a selected EPAC/EACN member, will handle the hotel bookings and purchase plane, train, or bus tickets for each of the nominated employees. The budget allocated for each visit of three experts is up to 2,100 EUR. Please note that the project does not offer reimbursement of your expenses, thus please do not make any bookings on your own, even if you were selected for sponsorship by the project.
We encourage participants from neighboring countries to prioritize environmentally friendly modes of transport whenever possible.
Further information
Within 10 working days following an exchange visit to another EPAC/EACN member, it is mandatory for the experts who traveled to complete the report form, which has already been shared with the EPAC/EACN members via email. This form should provide detailed information about the practices and approaches learned during the visit. Additionally, any PowerPoint presentations or relevant documents shared during the exchange visit should be attached to the report form. Please note that presentations containing sensitive or classified information will not be published on the EPAC/EACN website.
We kindly ask you to fill out the Registration form by June 28, 2024, and send it to the project team via e-mail to Once the registration period ends, the topics will be closed.
The selected applications for best practice exchange visits will be organized between 2 April, 2024, and February 28, 2025.
For more details and regular updates follow the EPAC/EACN Social Media platforms on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
In case you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via
The participation in the best anticorruption practice exchange is open to all EPAC/EACN members.
In total two documents need to be filled out:
- Registration form (to be completed for registration purposes).
- Report form (to be completed after the exchange visit).
Applicants must submit a free-form written consent from the host institution confirming its capacity and willingness to accept the visit (e. g., email, letter, etc.).
In the first year of the project there are three key topics:
- whistleblower protection,
- asset recovery and
- corruption risk assessment and management
For the second year there are three more topics:
- Anti-Corruption awareness raising
- Criminal investigation of corruption and fraud
- Big Data analysis
The project will cover travelling and accommodation (two nights per visit) expenses of 3 experts.
EPAC/EACN members who wish to embark on an exchange visit to another EPAC/EACN member are required to nominate three employees, that have more than 5 years of experience in the selected topic.
The registration form should be emailed to the project team at epac-eacn###stt###lt by June 28, 2024.
The exchange visits will be organised between April 2, 2024, and February 28, 2025.